Kotelo on valmistettu hajoamattomasta muovista. Se on suunniteltu kahden CD- tai DVD levyn säilyttämiseen. Toinen erikoisominaisuus on reijät ulkoreunassa (8cm etäisyydellä toisistaan), jotka helpottavat kuljettamista tai varastointia.
Mitat: 125 x 125 x 4.5 mm
Asiakkaat jotka ostivat tämän tuotteen hankkivat myös seuraavat tuotteet:
kääntääThe Best Solution to protect DVDs, CDs from Scratches Hello,\r\n\r\nConcerned by the lake of place in my flat to store my 600 dvds and my 600 cds I had to let down the storage with the original boxes purchased with each one of them.\r\n\r\nSo I decided to choose a hard individual case for each disc to prevent damage from scratches or even chocs during a displacement (the case is very resistant).For the Jacquettes of each cd or dvd I stock them in some sorters to keep the items completes.\r\n\r\nWith this case I save 6 times the space of a dvd box and 2 times for a cd box ! And the reading surface is perfectly protected from any scratches (despite any soft wallet that i tried before). The Box also remain perfectly closed and won\'t open itself easily .\r\n\r\nThe price is reasonnable 0.25 euro for 1 disc protection.\r\n\r\nThe only disadvantage of this solution (like almost all productions on the market): it doesn\'t protect against day light damaging on the writen face of discs).\r\n\r\nThis product is the Best I\'ve found !\r\n\r\nIt\'s also a great feeling to provide a copy or an original to a relative or friend that will be so well protected !\r\n\r\nTRY IT and be convinced !\r\n\r\nAlain from France
Hinta/Suoritusky: 5/5 Laatu: 5/5
Alain Blancon, Magny Le Hongre 12.04.2018
kääntääExcellente Conception Excellente Conception:
Protège parfaitement des rayures contrairement aux étuis souples.
Très fin (peu d'épaisseur: permet d'en empiler beaucoup dans un espace réduit)
Dimensions quasi identiques à ,un cd (pas de surface inutile qui prend de la place.
Solide (résiste à la flexion, aux chocs)
Fermeture Efficace (ne s'ouvre pas)
Économique !
Le seul inconvénient: étui transparent: ne protège pas la gravure de la lumière (comme tous ceux qui ne sont pas noir opaques...) SINON C'EST UN EXCELLENT PRODUIT FONCEZ !
Hinta/Suoritusky: 4/5 Laatu: 5/5
Cel, 22.06.2017